
Xiao Q tubeplus






Xiao Q is a movie starring Simon Yam, Gigi Leung, and Him Law. Adapted from the Japanese novel Goodbye, Khoru, following a guide dog and his conflicted master / runtime - 107 m / star - Simon Yam / / 7,1 of 10 / 70 votes. Bao qing tian. Xiao qi and mao mao. YouTube Xiaomanyc 小马在纽约. Xiao qiao dynasty warriors.

Xiao qian. Bao quang tri moi nhat. 我要写影评 小Q的影评. ( 全部 369 条) Mr. Infamous 2019-09-18 00:28:56 专访罗仲谦:他们觉得我就是导盲犬训练员,不是演员 (原载于《电影》杂志与“电影杂志 MOVIE”公众号.导演采访→《罗永昌:拍这部电影,一定得是爱狗人士》) 罗仲谦是爱狗的. 很小的时候,一个人在晚上看关于忠犬的卡通,会“哭得很惨烈”. 差不多在那段时间,他家里已经开始养狗.第一只是自己送上门来的,中国人觉得自来狗... ( 展开) 诗太浓 2019-09-20 19:22:13 女友红着眼眶说:被《小Q》感动的姑娘都容易遇到渣男 这篇影评可能有剧透 女友:被《小Q》感动的姑娘都容易遇到渣男 我:《小Q》没拍好的原因,在老舅的《野狼disco》里. 昨天晚上,本着对任达华的支持,我和女友去看了刚上映的《小Q》. 《小Q》还是挺催泪的,整场都能听见有人用面巾纸的声音,当然包括我女友,刚散场,女友擦着眼睛对我说:“被《... 盲忙 2019-09-20 12:06:50 不是忠诚,而是相濡以沫 每个人都有那么一段讨厌自己的经历吧! 不同的是,有的人辗转反侧后最终还是走了出来,回头再看当时的自己,不免觉得可怜又可笑;而有的人却永远没有回头再看的机会了.幸运的是,《小Q》中的男主角任达华饰演的李先生是前一种人,而帮他走出人生困境的,不是身边的至爱亲朋... 林微云 2019-07-16 17:51:52 萌化人心的小Q,导盲犬的爱责任与忠诚 提前看了点映,身边来看电影的几乎都是爱狗人士,电影开头,狗狗小时候的身影在银屏上刚展示出来,很多人就开始惊呼,太萌了太萌了,好多小女生还在说想要一个.小时候的小Q确实很萌,像个让人爱不释手的玩具狗狗,奶油色的皮毛,耷拉的耳朵,软乎乎的肢体,睁不开的双眼,软萌... 第一导演 2019-09-20 14:08:19 独家, 离开杜琪峰6年后,他依然想回银河映像 采访:法兰西胶片 撰文:空山 “他(杜琪峰)是我师父,也是我半个父亲.我学的东西都是他教我的.” 说这话的罗永昌,已是53岁的老人,距离开银河映像已过六年.他两鬓斑白,讲话温和,还带着点宣传期的疲惫. 他曾是师父杜琪峰最得力的左膀右臂,两人合作近30部作品.银河映... 2019-09-19 23:54:18 专访罗永昌:拍这部电影,一定得是爱狗人士 (原载于《电影》杂志与“电影杂志 MOVIE”公众号.主演专访→《专访罗仲谦:他们觉得我就是导盲犬训练员,不是演员》) 采访开始后,知道可以用粤语自由表达的导演罗永昌,第一句就是,“我觉得可以坦白点”. 没有任何一位电影届的前辈有必要对后生“坦白”,但香港电影人常... Enjolras 2019-07-15 15:02:16 这个夏天最感人的电影,可能要从一只狗说起 这个夏天的电影市场,如南方的天气一样湿热而沉闷,好莱坞大片寥寥无几,国产佳作又频频撤档,一片兵荒马乱后的萧条景象.这时候,我只想看一两部简单的温情片,懒懒地瘫在电影院的座椅上就能静静享受默默流泪的那种. 比较关注的作品有两部,一部是邓超的《银河补习班》,另... 影视鉴du师 2019-09-20 22:51:10 最低级的煽情是时刻提醒你,这就是“情” 没看过《导盲犬小Q》,所以不存在对比,但失望是真的. 作为一个以治愈温情为主题的电影,叙述好一个简单美好的故事,感动应该是很自然就会产生的,但因为一个个硬伤,感动都变成了刻意煽情,让我看得尴尬不已. 硬伤一:作为香港电影,故事地点发生在香港,原音本来是粤语,... 李现老婆 2019-09-20 18:57:35 年度暖心电影,生活因陪伴而有勇气 说来也巧,在电影《小Q》上映前不久,我收养了我人生中的第一条狗子.在我养狗之前,我只是觉得狗子跟这个世界上所有很萌的动物一样,在它进入到我的生活里来之后,我才开始意识到,狗子这种动物,可能不只是动物而已. 《小Q》讲的是一只导盲犬的故事.影片一开始就是一窝小奶... > 更多影评 369篇.

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Xiao qiu. Xiao zhu. Xiao qi wait. Xiao q ouyang md ny. Xiao qi ye. Xiao qin. Emeritus Scientist 1731 Research Park Davis California United States 95618 Phone: 530-759-1723 Fax: 530-756-1409 Contact E. Gregory McPherson Research Publications & Products Research Highlights Current Research Dr. Greg McPherson is a Research Forester with the USDA Forest Service's Pacific Southwest Research Station located in Davis, CA, Greg grew up under a canopy of American elm trees in Howell, Michigan. Despite attempts to save the trees, all were lost to Dutch elm disease, and having felt the sting of that loss he became a green accountant, developing new methods and tools for quantifying the value of nature's benefits from city trees. He works with a team of scientists to measure and model effects of trees on energy use, urban heat islands, air pollutant uptake, carbon sequestration, and rainfall interception. Their research is helping justify investments in urban forest planning and management. In 2000, Greg received the International Society of Arboriculture's L. C. Chadwick Award for Research. Greg was a co-founder and Chair of the Tree Growth and Longevity Working Group and serves on the California Urban Forest Advisory Council. He attended University of Michigan (BGS) Utah State University (Masters in Landscape Architecture) and SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (Ph. D. Forestry. Featured Publications & Products McPherson, E. Gregory; Xiao, Qingfu; Aguaron, Elena. 2013. A new approach to quantify and map carbon stored, sequestered and emissions avoided by urban forests. McPherson, egory; Kotow, Louren. A municipal forest report card: Results for California, USA. Aguaron, Elena; McPherson, E. Gregory. 2012. Comparison of methods for estimating carbon dioxide storage by Sacramento's urban forest. Young, Robert F. McPherson, E. Governing metropolitan green infrastructure in the United States. McPherson, E. Gregory; Peper, Paula J. Urban tree growth modeling. McPherson, E. G. Simpson, J. R. Xiao, Q. Wu, C. 2011. Million trees Los Angeles canopy cover and benefit assessment. Publications van Doorn, Natalie S. 2018. Demographic trends in Claremont California s street tree population. McPherson, egory; Berry, Alison M. van Doorn, Natalie S. Performance testing to identify climate-ready trees. McPherson, E. Gregory; Xiao, Qingfu; van Doorn, Natalie S. Johnson, Nels; Albers, Shannon; Peper, Paula J. Shade factors for 149 taxa of in-leaf urban trees in the USA. McPherson, E. Berry, A. M. van Doorn, N. S. Downer, J. Hartin, J. Haver, D. Teach, E... 2017. Climate-ready tree study update for Central Valley communities. Xiao, Qingfu; McPherson, E. Zhang, Qi; Ge, Xinlei; Dahlgren, Randy. Performance of two bioswales on urban runoff management. Li, Xiang; Xiao, Qingfu; Niu, Jianzhi; Dymond, Salli; McPherson, E. Gregory; van Doorn, Natalie; Yu, Xinxiao; Xie, Baoyuan; Zhang, Kebin; Li, Jiao. Rainfall interception by tree crown and leaf litter: an interactive process. McPherson, E. Gregory; Xiao, Q. van Doorn, Natalie; Peper, P. Teach, E. Surface storage of rainfall in tree crowns: not all trees are equal. Griffin, Jason J. Jacobi, William R. Gregory; Sadof, Clifford S. McKenna, James R. Gleason, Mark L. Gauthier, Nicole Ward; Potter, Daniel A. Smitley, David R. Adams, Gerard C. Gould, Ann Brooks; Cash, Christian R. Walla, James A. Starrett, Mark C. Chastagner, Gary; Sibley, Jeff L. Krischik, Vera A. Newby, Adam F. Ten-year performance of the United States national elm trial. McPherson, E. de Goede, John; Bjorkman, Jacquelyn; Hollander, Allan; Boynton, Ryan M. Quinn, James F. Thorne, James H. The structure, function and value of urban forests in California communities. Li, Xiang; Niu, Jianzhi; Zhang, Linus; Xiao, Qingfu; McPherson, Gregory E. van Doorn, Natalie; Yu, Xinxiao; Xie, Baoyuan; Dymond, Salli; Li, Jiao; Meng, Chen; Luo, Ziteng. 2016. A study on crown interception with four dominant tree species: a direct measurement. Ko, Yekang; Roman, Lara A. Gregory; Lee, Junhak. Does tree planting pay us back Lessons from Sacramento, CA. McPherson, E. Gregory; van Doorn, Natalie; de Goede, John. Structure, function and value of street trees in California, USA. Xiao, Qingfu; McPherson, E. Surface water storage capacity of twenty tree species in Davis, California. Lee, Jun-Hak; Ko, Yekang; McPherson, E. The feasibility of remotely sensed data to estimate urban tree dimensions and biomass. Livesley, S. J. Calfapietra, C. The urban forest and ecosystem services: impact on urban water, heat, and pollution cycles at the tree, street, and city scale. McPherson, E. Gregory; van Doorn, Natalie S. Peper, Paula J... Urban tree database and allometric equations. Taha, Haider; Wilkinson, James; Bornstein, Robert; Xiao, Qingfu; McPherson, E. Gregory; Simpson, Jim; Anderson, Charles; Lau, Steven; Lam, Janice; Blain, Cindy. 2015. An urban-forest control measure for ozone in the Sacramento, CA federal non-attainment area (SFNA. McPherson, E. Climate ready urban trees for Central Valley cities. Paine, T. Millar, J. Hanks, L. Gould, J. Wang, Q. Daane, K. Dahlsten, D. L. Cost-benefit analysis for biological control programs that target insects pests of eucalypts in urban landscapes of California. Ko, Yekang; Lee, Jun-Hak; McPherson, E. Gregory; Roman, Lara A. Factors affecting long-term mortality of residential shade trees: evidence from Sacramento, California. McPherson, E. Gregory; Kendall, Alissa; Albers, Shannon. Life cycle assessment of carbon dioxide for different arboricultural practices in Los Angeles, CA. Ko, Yekang; Lee, Jun-Hak; McPherson, E. Long-term monitoring of Sacramento Shade program trees: tree survival, growth and energy-saving performance. McPherson, E. Kendall, A. Albers, S. Million Trees Los Angeles: Carbon dioxide sink or source. McPherson, E. Gregory; Kendall, Alissa. 2014. A life cycle carbon dioxide inventory of the Million Trees Los Angeles Program. McPherson, E. Evaluation of seven drought tolerant tree species for central California. McPherson, E. Monitoring Million Trees LA: Tree performance during the early years and future benefits. Gray, G. Mills, C. Morehouse, E. Urban forest projects and California s climate change policies and programs. McPherson, Greg; Xiao, Qingfu; Purohit, Joe; Dietenberger, Mark; Boardman, Charles (C. Simpson, Jim; Peper, Paula. ecoSmart landscapes: a versatile SaaS platform for green infrastructure applications in urban environments. Roman, Lara A. Gregory; Scharenbroch, Bryant C. Bartens, Julia. Identifying common practices and challenges for local urban tree monitoring programs across the United States. Baldauf, Richard; McPherson, Greg; Wheaton, Linda; Zhang, Max; Cahill, Tom; Bailey, Chad; Hemphill Fuller, Christina; Withycombe, Eearl; Titus, Kori. Integrating vegetation and green infrastructure into sustainable transportation planning. McPherson, E. Gregory; Prince, Robert. Water scarcity and urban forest management: introduction. Kendall, Alissa; McPherson, E. A life cycle greenhouse gas inventory of a tree production system. McPherson, Greg. Urban tree growth & longevity working group. McPherson, egory; Sharenbroch, Bryant C. Urban tree growth & longevity: Introduction. Soares, A. Rego, F. Peper, P. Benefits and costs of street trees in Lisbon. Xiao, Qingfu; McPherson, Gregory. Performance of engineered soil and trees in a parking lot bioswale. McPherson, E. Propelling arboriculture into the future. Xiao, Qingfu; McPherson, E. Rainfall interception of three trees in Oakland, California. Baldauf, R. Jackson, L. Hagler, G. Vlad, I. McPherson, G. Nowak, D. Cahill, T. Zhang, M. Cook, R. Bailey, C. Wood, P. The role of vegetation in mitigating air quality impacts from traffic emissions. Simpson, J. The tree BVOC index. Peper, Paula J. Gregory; Simpson, James R. Albers, Shannon N. Xiao, Qingfu. 2010. Central Florida community tree guide: benefits, costs, and strategic planting. Unger, Katherine; Abhat., Divya; Millar, Constance; McPherson, Greg [featured scientists. New focus on forests. McPherson, E. Peper, Paula. Crowell, Aaron M. N. Northern California coast community tree guide: benefits, costs, and strategic planting. McPherson, E. Selecting reference cities for i-Tree Streets. McPherson, E. Tools for valuing tree and park services. McPherson, E. Ferrini, F. Trees are good, but. McPherson, E. Young, R. Understanding the challenges of municipal tree planting. McPherson, E. 2009. From frill to fundamental: The growing importance of science to the tree care industry. Peper, Paula J. Vargas, Kelaine E. Lower Midwest community tree guide: benefits, costs, and strategic planting. McPherson, E. Observing urban forests in Australia. McHale, M. Burke, I. Lefsky, M. A. Urban forest biomass estimates: is it important to use allometric relationships developed specifically for urban trees. Wua, Chunxia; Xiaoa, Qingfu; McPherson, Gregory E. 2008. A method for locating potential tree-planting sites in urban areas: a case study of Los Angeles, USA. McPherson, Gregory E. Simpson, James R. Xiao, Qingfu; Chunxia, Wu. Los Angeles 1-Million tree canopy cover assessment. Vargas, Kelaine E. McPherson, Gregory E. Peper, Paula J. Gardner, Shelley L. Tropical community tree guide: benefits, costs, and strategic planting. McPherson, E. Urban forestry and carbon: what the reporting protocol means to you. McPherson, E. 2007. Benefit-based tree valuation. Peper, P. Gardner, S. Vargas, K. E. City of Boise, Idaho Municipal Forest Resource Analysis. Xiao, Q. Ustin, S. Hydrological processes at the urban residential scale. Vargas, Kelaine E. Interior West community tree guide: benefits, costs, and strategic planting. Rudnick, S. Linsen, L. Inverse modeling and animation of growing single-stemmed trees at interactive rates. Peper, P. New York City, New York Municipal Forest Resource Analysis. McPherson, E. Northeast community tree guide: benefits, costs, and strategic planting. Vargas, Kelaine E. Temperate Interior West community tree guide: benefits, costs, and strategic planting. McHale, M. The potential of urban tree plantings to be cost effective in carbon credit markets. Brasch, S. Visualization of time-varying natural tree data. Vargas, K. 2006. City of Albuquerque, New Mexico, Municipal Forest Resource Analysis. McPherson, E. Maco, S. City of Charleston, South Carolina Municipal Forest Resource Analysis. McPherson, E. Maco, Scott E. Coastal plain community tree guide: benefits, costs, and strategic planning. McPherson, E. Cozad, Shauna K. Midwest community tree guide: benefits, costs, and strategic planting. McPherson, E. Piedmont community tree guide: benefits, costs, and strategic planting. Pataki, D. Alig, R. Fung, A. Golubiewski, E. Kennedy, C. Pouyat, R. V. Romero Lankao, P. Urban ecosystems and the North American carbon cycle. Pataki, D. Golubiewski, N. Lankao, P. Urban ecosystems and the North American carbon cycle. McPherson, E. Urban forestry in North America. Maco, S. 2005. City of Berkeley, California Municipal Tree Resource Analysis. McPherson, E. City of Boulder, Colorado Municipal Tree Resource Analysis. McPherson, E. City of Charlotte, North Carolina Municipal Forest Resource Analysis. McPherson, E. Cozad, S. City of Minneapolis, Minnesota Municipal Tree Resource Analysis. McPherson, E. Muchnick, J. Effects of street tree shade on asphalt concrete pavement performance. McPherson, E. Municipal forest benefits and costs in five U. cities. Linsen, L. Karis, B. Hamann, B. Tree growth visualization. Xiao, Q. Tree health mapping with multispectral remote sensing data at UC Davis, California. Peper, P. McPherson, Greg; Simpson, J. 2004. City of Cheyenne, Wyoming Municipal Tree Resource Analysis. Maco, S. City of San Francisco, California street tree resource analysis. McPherson, Greg; Simpson, J. Mulrean, E. Desert Southwest Community Tree Guide: Benefits, Costs and Strategic Planting. Xiao, Q. Rainfall interception by Santa Monica s municipal urban forest. Xiao, Q. Using AVIRIS data and multiple-masking techniques to map urban forest trees species. McPherson, E. 2003. A benefit-cost analysis of ten tree species in Modesto, California, U. A. Maco, S. A practical approach to assessing structure, function, and value of street tree populations in small communities. Randrup, T. B. Costello, L. A review of tree root conflicts with sidewalks, curbs, and roads. McPherson, E. Benefit-cost analysis of Fort Collins' municipal forest. Peper, P. Evaluation of four methods for estimating leaf area of isolated trees. McPherson, E. Hoefer, P. Northern Mountain and Prairie Community Tree Guide. McPherson, E. Potential energy savings in buildings by an urban tree planting programme in California. McPherson, E. Urban forestry: The final frontier. McPherson, E. 2002. A comparison of municipal forest benefits and costs in Modesto and Santa Monica, California, U. Assessing canopy cover over streets and sidewalks in street tree populations. McPherson, E. VanDerZanden, A. Bell, N. Western Washington and Oregon Community Tree Guide: Benefits, Costs and Strategic Planting. McPherson, E. 2001. Benefit-cost analysis of Santa Monica's municipal forest. Peper, P. Mori, S. Equations for predicting diameter, height, crown width, and leaf area of San Joaquin Valley street trees. Jo, H. K. Indirect carbon reduction by residential vegetation and planting strategies in Chicago, U. A. Peper, P. Predictive equations for dimensions and leaf area of coastal Southern California street trees. McPherson, E. Sacramento's parking lot shading ordinance: environmental and economic costs of compliance. McPherson, E. Pittenger, D. Hodel, D. Tree Guidelines for Inland Empire Communities. Simpson, J. Tree planting to optimize energy and CO2 benefits. Randrup, T. Tree root intrusion in sewer systems: A review of extent and costs. McPherson, E. 1999. Carbon dioxide reduction through urban forestry: guidelines for professional and volunteer tree planters. McPherson, E. Gregory; Nowak, David; Heisler, Gordon; Grimmond, Sue; Souch, Catherine; Grant, Rich; Rowntree, Rowan. 1997. Quantifying urban forest structure, function, and value: the Chicago Urban Forest Climate Project. Nowak, David J. Rowntree, Rowan A. Gregory; Sisinni, Susan M. Kirkmann, Esther R. Stevens, Jack C. 1996. Measuring and analyzing urban tree cover. McPherson, Gregory E. Nowak, David J. 1994. Chicago's urban forest ecosystem: results of the Chicago Urban Forest Climate Project. McPherson, E. Cooling urban heat islands with sustainable landscapes. McPherson, Gregory E. Sacamano, Paul L. Prichard, Scott E. Makra, Edith M. 1993. Chicago's evolving urban forest: initial report of the Chicago Urban Forest Climate Project. Last updated on: 07/12/2019.

September 23, 2019 7:30AM PT As China gears up for a big political anniversary and national holiday, its box office has been dominated by innocuous animal films and local fare capable of keeping censors happy but unable to make that huge of a splash. None of the top four weekend titles has scored more than 7 out of 10 on the key user-review platform Douban. “ Little Q, ” a heartwarming dog film from Hong Kong, led China s weekend box office with a 9. 6 million debut, despite a delayed release date and continued tensions between the mainland and the special administrative region. The film was directed by Wing-cheong Law, a longtime collaborate of Johnnie To and winner of a 2002 Golden Horse Award for best editing on “Running Out of Time 2, ” and stars veteran Hong Kong actor Simon Yam. The movie is based on a true story retold in a Japanese novel by Ryohei Akimoto and Kengo Ishiguro, which was adapted into “Quill, ” a 2004 Japanese film, and a TV drama. It tells the story of a famous pastry chef who is going blind and the golden Labrador guide dog that saves him from suicide. “Little Qs” debut was pushed back from a planned debut in late July after Yam was stabbed onstage at a promotional event in south China, apparently by a mentally ill attacker. Chinese fantasy action film “ Jade Dynasty ” took second place in its second weekend in theaters with 5. 7 million, figures from consultancy Artisan Gateway showed. It had grossed a cumulative 51. 5 million (RMB367 million) as of late Monday afternoon in China, according to data from Maoyan, largely on the back of the popularity of its pop idol stars, Sean Xiao Zhan and Meng Meiqi. Xiao in particular is riding a wave of attention as the “little fresh meat” face of the moment, thanks to a recent turn in the hit costume drama “The Untamed. ” Chinese comedy “The Last Wish, ” about a young man with a terminal illness seeking to lose his virginity before he dies, came in third with a haul of 5. 6 million. Bona Film Group s “Mao Zedong 1949” took in 6. 7 million in its opening weekend, according to Artisan Gateway. The historical film stars sexagenarian Tang Guoqiang, an actor known for playing historical figures such as Zhuge Liang and rulers like the Ming dynastys Yongle emperor. The second of three patriotic films put out by Bona for the upcoming 70th anniversary of the Peoples Republic, it is projected by Maoyan to bring in 11 million (RMB78. 3 million) overall — much less than the first installment of the trilogy, firefighting rescue film “The Bravest. ” That film pulled in 236 million (RMB1. 68 billion) last month thanks to a sexier topic. In fifth place was Chinese animation “ The Legend of Hei, ” which brought in 4. 7 million. The film brings to life the story of a big-eyed black cat made popular by social media emojis, and has grossed a cumulative 39. 9 million since its early September debut. Thai romantic comedy “ Friend Zone, ” one of Thailands most successful films so far this year, saw a measure of China success in its debut weekend. It has grossed 3. 7 million (RMB26. 6 million) so far on the mainland and is predicted to bring in about twice that over the course of its run. It was acquired for China by Maoyan and Edko Films for Hong Kong. Picturehouse Entertainment has acquired U. K. rights from TrustNordisk for Maria Sødahls “Hope, ” which stars Stellan Skarsgård and Andrea Bræin Hovig, and will have its European premiere at the Berlin Film Festival this month. Based on the directors own experiences after being diagnosed with brain cancer, “Hope” explores the relationship between artists and partners Tomas (Skarsgård. The giant film studio complex at Qingdao in Eastern China has halted all film and TV production in response to the novel coronavirus that has infected thousands in the country and claimed more than 360 lives. Qingdao Oriental Movie Metropolis announced on Monday via its official WeChat social media channel that all productions at the. The TorinoFilm Lab has announced the 20 feature film projects and five story editor trainees who will take part in the 2020 edition of ScriptLab, an intensive workshop focused on feature film scripts in early stages of development. The program partners participants with filmmakers from around the world to develop their scripts through a series. Hong Kong on Monday severed nearly all of its land and sea connections with mainland China as part of growing measures in Asia to slow the spread of coronavirus. The move makes it ever more likely that Hong Kong FilMart, the biggest film industry trade market in Asia, will be postponed. A decision is to. German film and TV company Telepool, jointly owned by Hollywood actor-producer Will Smith and Swiss investor Elysian Fields, is moving forward in multiple areas of the entertainment business, CEO André Druskeit tells Variety. Druskeit reveals a major new acquisition for its German distribution arm, and Julia Weber, head of theatrical sales and acquisitions at Telepools. “Scare Me, ” written and directed by first-time filmmaker Josh Ruben, is a spook show stripped to the basics. A boy and a girl, Fred and Fanny (Ruben and Aya Cash of “Youre the Worst”) hole up in a snowbound cabin swapping scary tales by the fireplace. He postures as a horror novelist, director, screenwriter and. The experiment known as Biosphere 2 may be best remembered now — when remembered at all — as something that spawned “Bio-Dome, ” the godawful 1996 comedy that is nonetheless many peoples favorite movie involving Pauly Shore or Stephen Baldwin. (Of course, others might get hives at the very idea of having a favorite anything involving.

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